Danish Language learn easy way.

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Do you really need to learn Danish Language?

Do you really need to learn Danish language? Danish language learn - First before to do anything you have to decide for yourself if you really need to learn Danish. Or may be you can easily use English and it will be enough for you .

Danish society develop very fast especially since Denmark joined to EU. Danish educational system for many years implementing English as main foreign language. Although English is not official language in Denmark many people can easily speak it.

Lets take a look at statistic How many Danish people can speak English fluent enough:
  • 72% people of age 10-18
  • 81% people of age 18-30
  • 64% people of age 30-50
  • 33% people of age 50 and more.
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As you may notice then we take whole Danish society majority of yang people can speak English fluent enough so you will not have any problem with communication. But much less older people can speak English .

The reason is very simple : Yang people get modern education at school, university etc...
Because Denmark is so small country not many people around the world can really speak Danish - only 5,5 million people . So for communication with rest of the world Danish people just have to learn English.

Do you really need to learn Danish langage if - Then you arrive to Denmark you even will not have problem with television , because 2 National channels DR1 and DR2 very often show films in English original with small Danish subtitles below. This is one more way how Danish people can learn English in theirs ordinary life. In local shops , railway stations, supermarkets you can buy English newspapers and magazines. Only things that can irritate you about this . The price for this items is very high. So if you arrive just for a small vacation it is better to take small hand book with you .

And majority of people in Denmark who work in different kind of services able to speak at least one foreign language. So hotels, banks, post offices , shops, taxi, public transport , any kinds of officials, mobile companies will be able to freely communicate with you.

It is only for you to decide if you really need to learn whole Danish language or at least learn few useful words. But always remember this wise words: Nothing is more effective in creating friendly atmosphere and nothing flatter people more then a foreigner try to speak theirs language.

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