This strange Danes, all you should to know.

All about this strange Danes :
The Danish population is 5,4 million , if we compare with Sweden 9 million
( they like Danes for duty free beer), and Germans who like Denmark for sun, sand and sea holidays , and have a good money by selling to Danes theyrs own bee r at borders shops.

Denmark is consist of 406 islands. Denmark is a bit larger than The Netherlands and could fit into Sweden ten times
( and has tried at various times in history).
The Danish state includes Greenland which is almost 4 times the size of france, which is not much used because 94% is covered in ice.

Copenhagen is the capital and Biggest sity of region , appart from it exist no town has over 250 000 inhabitants , and exist just a few cities more than 50 000,

Flag of DENMARK.

The strange Danes fly theirs flags with a huge pride. The red and white DANNEBROG against a clear blue sky is enough to bring a tear to theirs eyes.
Danes who lives in countriside have their own flag pole set squarely in the middle of their garden.
Town dwellers rent an allotment and plant a pole along with their broad leaved parsley. They have list of important dates cliped to fridge or wall giving exact detales of when to "let rip "
- public holidays , festivals, state visits, their own birthdays,anniversaries, etc...
Twice a month each town lines hang its main street with flags to remind everyone that the local shops stay open late that Sunday.

Danes who can't fly flags out of doors have mini flagpoles as part of their table decoration for high days and holidays, and they even fly the flag from the food on cocktail skticks.
Shops and advertisers use the flag to promote their goods,and Danish football fans were the first who paint their faces with national flag.

There is nothing threatening about theirs nationalism. As a nation , the Danes have not been a threat to anyone for hundres of years. This is all i wanted to tell you about this strange Danes.

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