Denmark - Travel Tips

"Don't Leave Home Without"

Don't leave home without this stuff. You will definatelly need it. At least it will help you to spare your hard earned money.

Here below is listed most frequent stuff you will need!

  • Insurance - If you're looking for travel insurance with medical conditions, visit none other than Age UK!
  • Adepter plug -If you are coming from a country with different electrical outlets.
  • Bottle opener -There are no twist top beers. So unless you are born Danish and can pop a bottle with a lighter.
  • Bike lock - a small one can be useful when locking up hire bikes or stabilizing your luggage.
  • Cameras - mini disks etc.- very expensive in Denmark.
  • Camera itself - Take it always with you and you won't miss anything.
  • Change purse - you may accumulate a lot of coins
    (1 DKK,2 DKK,5 DKK,10 DKK,20 DKK - is coins.)
  • Mobile phone - sim cards and sending international text messages are very cheap. You also can buy special card in post office and call cheap worldwide.
  • Motion sickness pills. If you are sensitive and plan to ride ferries.
  • Prescriptions - for any medicine you bring in. customs officials are very strict on prescription drugs.
  • Reading material. -Books in English can be expensive.
  • MP3 Player - It will be very useful while long bus travel. Also don't forget to buy some Danish music.
  • iTRAVL NTL - Once you take a trip with iTRAVL, you'll never leave home without it! You'll never be on the wrong side of the langauge barrier again!
  • Warm sleeping clothes - It can get cold at night even on mild days. Especially if you are camping.
  • Umbrella - it may be your constant companion.
  • Water bottle - Can save a bundle of bottled drinks.
  • Your punctuality - trains run on time, and tours aren't a minute late. Danes operate similarly in social situations and don't wait for the unorganised.
  • Lot of money - Denmark is really expensive country. Prices could be compared with prices in England and Japan. And taxes could reach 60%
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